Catching His Fire
About Catching His Fire Ministries

We Live, We Love,
We Burn
Catching His Fire Ministries was founded with the sole purpose of seeing people catch the fire and revival of God. We have come to prepare the way of the Lord, much like John the Baptist. John tells us in Luke 3:16-17, “I am immersing you in water, but he who is coming is more powerful than I – I’m not worthy to untie his sandals! He will immerse you in the Holy Spirit and in fire. He has with him his winnowing fork to clear out his threshing floor and gather his wheat into his barn, but he will burn up the straw with unquenchable fire!”
When you truly encounter the fire of the Holy Spirit there’s a change that takes place. It doesn’t take religion to get you there, it just takes encountering God like never before. That’s the whole message of Catching His Fire Ministries. We want to see people catch the fire and revival of God. We make it so hard trying to get caught up in the religious traditions of man. When God says he just wants you to encounter Him. We want to take the Holy Spirit and the presence of God to the world so you can encounter God in a way that you’ve never encountered Him before, and your life will change forever.
Our Vision
Our vision is to go wherever God opens doors to spark revival throughout the world. So that we can see people come to a revival state of mind where they are truly hungry and thirsty after God.